Contacting me

If you would like information on restoration or on my products, I will gladly share my experience with you. My mother tongue is French, but I also speak some English.


807 Airport Access Road, Unit D
Traverse City, MI, 49686
United States

Jeep Cherokee Chief Store is a small Swiss company founded by a passionate Chrysler Jeep Cherokee Gladiator and Wagoneer which aims to rebuild and market spare parts extremely rare and not found for a quality restoration.


Jeep Cherokee Restoration project - Levi Blue interior

The interior has an option called Levi Blue. The whole interior was completely dismantled, disassembled, restored and reassembled.
Many chrome parts have been replaced with new parts in better condition. The seats were redone by a saddler.
It took a lot of time to find the seatbelts in this color. A huge job.